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Tag Archives: results

what does your business look like when all grown up

Most small businesses start almost by accident or out of necessity. They then tend to grow organically, with bits and pieces being added to the pot as the business evolves. Rarely is any business designed from the beginning, but if you want to build a…

Why you need personal goals for business succes

Does your business support your dreams? Most small businesses start almost by accident or out of necessity. They then tend to grow organically, with bits and pieces being added to the pot as the business evolves. Rarely is any business designed from the beginning, but…

Business fundamentals and basics

Let’s get back to basics! Clients are often surprised, and sometimes a bit resistant when I suggest this during our coaching sessions. But like much in life when you think you’ve hit a brick wall, it’s worth going back to the beginning and having a…

In one of my previous articles, I looked at five alternatives to business coaching. This time, I thought I would answer some of the questions often asked about business coaching in particular. If you have any more at the end of it, just get in…

do you know your leadership style

Every leader is different, so are your employees   Of the seven keys to building high performance teams, the first key is leadership. For a very good reason. You can’t expect your team to transform your business by themselves, after all, can you? Your team…

Great service - the secret weapon in the economic wars

When Times are Tough, Service Matters Most…More Than Ever… There seems to be a constant stream of bad news at the moment. In the course of a few short months, we lost our respected and much-loved Queen, we’ve had two new PMs, the Pound took…

test and measure improvement

What you measure you manage There’s no doubt about it, the economic climate is putting everyone under a lot of pressure. Which is why it’s more important than ever where you invest your money and energy in your business, and that you see some sort…

5 coaching options image

“Everyone needs a coach. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast or a bridge player.” – Bill Gates Now, obviously, as a business coach, I think every business owner can benefit from one of our coaching programmes, whether one-on-one or as…

directors chair image

I may be direct but….. You know, recently one of my clients commented that I was very direct, but they saw this as a real positive thing, a unique selling point of sorts. Well, I don’t know if I’d go that far, but I do…

building strong teams

Together, strong teams deliver better From the earliest days of civilisation, the hunters and gatherers demonstrated effectively how working in groups brought greater abundance into their lives. Now, in the business sense, it is a fact that organisations of all sizes experience greater tangible payoffs…

How to manage your imposter syndrome

Today, we’re going to be talking about how managing the imposter in the room can help you on the road to a winning mindset. Because business is all about getting your mindset in the right place. It’s about understanding what goes on in your mind.…

Cash flow budget forecast

Four key areas to look at for improved cash flow As the cost implications of record inflation start to hit, how can business owners improve their cash flow to ensure the business remains financially viable and able to support them? The U.K.’s consumer prices index…

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