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Tag Archives: results

Active Listening to be a better manager

Be a Better Manager with Active Listening Why listening can make you a better leader Active listening is a crucial skill for effective management. In today’s fast-paced work environments, strong communication and comprehension abilities are vital for leaders. However, many managers struggle to truly listen…

The power of business coaching stop being sceptical of business coaching

Why Business Coaching Might Just Be What Your Business Needs to Thrive It’s clear that entrepreneurs and small business owners have a significant role to play in the growth of the UK economy and labour market. However, their journey is seldom an easy one. You’re…

sales training and development

A competitive marketplace means staying ahead requires more than just effective marketing. It demands a strategic approach to sales, encompassing skills, systems, and processes that convert leads into loyal customers. We understand the challenges you face, and that’s why we’re thrilled to announce an exclusive…

Build a sustainable future business

The Benefits of Being a Caring Company Value building strategy #10! Sustainable and Socially Responsible Practices: In today’s socially conscious environment, consumers, investors, and stakeholders increasingly prioritise ethical and responsible business practices. Embracing sustainability and corporate social responsibility is not only a responsible choice but…

Online reputation and reviews play a critical role in business value creation

What Your Customers say Matters Value building strategy #9! Positive Online Reputation: In the digital age, online presence plays a crucial role in shaping customer perceptions and influencing their purchasing decisions. Cultivating a strong online reputation, backed by good customer reviews, testimonials, and ratings, offers…

Benefits of systemisation

Systemise your business for value creation Value building strategy #8! Established Systems and Processes: Established systems and processes contribute to the overall efficiency, productivity, and profitability of the company. They also ensure the business is better positioned for success, growth, and long-term value creation. Increased…

Building resilience in your business during cost of living crisis

Building financial resilience in a tough economy While the Bank of England may have recently held interest rates steady after 14 consecutive increases, they are still the highest they have been in 15 years, and the negative impact of the cost-of-living crisis continues. It’s safe…

A strong management team contributes to the overall value of a business

Can a strong management team impact the value of my business? Value building strategy #7! Strong Management Team: To answer the question, yes, they can. Investors and potential buyers often assess the capability and experience of the management team when evaluating the overall worth of…

Measure your marketing for returns

Measuring your marketing makes sense Be sure to regularly measure your marketing for returns. Why? Because measuring and analysing the results of your marketing efforts is essential for determining the effectiveness of your strategy and making informed decisions about future campaigns. By tracking key metrics…

It's important to keep your focus on the destination

If you don’t know where you are going, what do you focus on? Do you take enough time to focus on your destination, the things that are going to positively drive your behaviour, decisions and outputs in a way that helps your business to beat…

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