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Tag Archives: results

Understand your target market

In the fast-paced world of marketing, understanding your target market is crucial for success. Today, we’ll look at four steps to truly understanding your audience, that can help you develop an effective marketing strategy. Step one: Identify your ideal customer. Who are they? What makes…

Can i afford business coaching

How much does business coaching cost, and can I afford it? Are you a business owner looking to take your enterprise to new heights? If so, you may have considered business coaching but are unsure about the costs, benefits, and what it entails. And we…

work life balance

Achieving a Harmonious Work-Life Balance in a Fast-Paced World Are you exhausted from constantly working, even during your personal time? Take charge of your work-life balance and explore effective strategies for setting clear boundaries. In this video, we’ll guide you towards a healthier and more…

procrastination beating tactics

Take Control of Your Time and Boost Productivity Procrastination can be a silent killer for entrepreneurs, hindering growth and success. Let’s face it, procrastination is a common challenge that plagues all of us. The thing is, if you lack energy and motivation, your business growth…

benefits of knowing your numbers

Are you able to make objective factual decisions based on the numbers that you see in your business? Many business owners only look at their financial statements just once a year.  They go straight to the bottom line to see whether they made a profit…

Budget for Success

Are you looking to keep your finances on track and ensure the success of your business? Then you need to know about budgeting. Budgeting is simply a plan for how you want to allocate your money. It’s a roadmap for your business finances, and it’s…

Stay close to your cash flow

If you are a small business owner looking to stay on top of your finances and ensure the success of your business, then you need to know about cash flow. In a nutshell, cash flow is the amount of money coming in and going out…

Five factors that make your business appealing to outsiders

Why Every Small Business Should Focus on Creating Value As a small business owner, your ultimate goal is to create a profitable and sustainable business that will provide long-term financial security for you and your employees. While you may not be thinking about selling your…

In the drivers seat of your business

Are you driving your business or is it driving you? You pretty much know everything there is to know about what your business does, right? After all, you’re a great architect, a fantastic hairdresser, a top notch printer.  But can you honestly say you know…

Finding your focus

We are well into the year already and hopefully you have found and kept your focus on the things that will make the most positive impact in your business over the next few months. If not though, here’s a few tips that may help.  Now,…

How to maintain clarity of vision and focus

2023 has officially kicked off with many business owners, I am sure, setting some pretty incredible New Year resolutions for themselves and big, scary, audacious goals for their businesses too.  But as the year progresses, it often becomes harder and harder to remain focused on…

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