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Tag Archives: leadership

Time for a business check up

Is there a Doctor in the house? It is thought that the expression, ‘Is there a Doctor in the house?’  originates from the theatre when the stage manager would request a doctor if a member of the audience fell ill during the performance. Sadly, today…

Importance of a business plan, chess piece toppled on board

Did you know……only 2% of business owners have a plan. And even less stick to it! However, the value of having a business plan is undeniable. Studies show that planning improves business performance and helps a business grow 30% faster than those that don’t.  We…

real people, real results graphic

Clients, and other things to be grateful for! 2020 has come to an end, and not a moment too soon for many of us, I am sure. However, despite the challenges we faced personally and professionally during the last 12 months, there have also been…

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