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Tag Archives: leadership

Employees collaborating

High performing teams drive high performing businesses Whether you have 10 members of staff or 1000, you need to create a high performance team if you want to make a real success of your business. And I know of no better tool for getting the…

5 coaching options image

“Everyone needs a coach. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast or a bridge player.” – Bill Gates Now, obviously, as a business coach, I think every business owner can benefit from one of our coaching programmes, whether one-on-one or as…

directors chair image

I may be direct but….. You know, recently one of my clients commented that I was very direct, but they saw this as a real positive thing, a unique selling point of sorts. Well, I don’t know if I’d go that far, but I do…

building strong teams

Together, strong teams deliver better From the earliest days of civilisation, the hunters and gatherers demonstrated effectively how working in groups brought greater abundance into their lives. Now, in the business sense, it is a fact that organisations of all sizes experience greater tangible payoffs…

Odd things that surprise business owners

Some people plan to be business owners; others come into it via circumstance, maybe because of a redundancy or a need for more flexibility around family responsibilities. However they turn to it, it is usually with the idea of relying on their industry expertise to…

productivity tips to implement right now

I’ve recently started using a short assessment quiz that helps business owners to identify the key area they should be focusing on in their business. Would you be surprised if I were to tell you that results so far show that 50% of business owners…

Change is inevitable not insurmountable

Have you ever been through change? Of course, you have. How did you feel about it? Can you remember? Did you even understand you were going through change at the time? You may be asking why I am musing about change, as a business coach?…

Delegate effectively productivity hacks

Delegate (but keep the crown) Research conducted by Voucher Cloud determined that the average office worker is only productive for two hours and 23 minutes each day. – Apollo Technical, 15 Employee Productivity Statistics You Want To Know (2021) Out of an 8-hour day? That’s a startling…

goal setting for success

If you can dream it, you can plan it! 2021 is quickly coming to a close. Whether it is because the pandemic and lockdowns seemed to have warped the passage of time or just because of the rapid pace of business as we begin to…

How to manage your imposter syndrome

Today, we’re going to be talking about how managing the imposter in the room can help you on the road to a winning mindset. Because business is all about getting your mindset in the right place. It’s about understanding what goes on in your mind.…

The dream team image - real people, real results

It’s time to resign as Chief Employee! Lockdown restrictions are easing and the economy is opening up again. But what does this mean for the many people out there who have faced redundancy or business closure over the last year, and are currently seeking employment?…

Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary

World Book Day offers us an opportunity to celebrate the joy of reading and reflect on some of the books we have read that have had a significant impact on our lives. It also reminds us to share our love of reading with others, opening…

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