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Tag Archives: business owner

Benefits marketing

Make your marketing more compelling through benefits selling. Let’s say I simply marketed myself as a business coach with experience in leadership roles.   I can almost hear you thinking, so what? You’re probably also thinking, what does that mean for me? What benefit is there…

the biggest hurdle is you

What is holding you back from achieving your goals? Time? Experience? Skills? On the face of it, all of these may be true but what if I told you these hurdles only exist because of your self-limiting beliefs. What are self-limiting beliefs? Well, these are…

why you should have a business plan

Only 2% of business owners have a plan. I am sure you’ve heard this before, but it’s worth repeating, only 2% of business owners have a plan. Which I find strange given the value of having a business plan is undeniable. Studies show that planning…

Standing in a puddle to see reflection

Key questions to reflect on at year-end  It’s safe to say the last few years have passed by in a bit of a blur, and while we entered 2022 hoping things would get back to ‘normal’, many of us may have felt it has been…

Lioness image

Turn how you look at failure on its head It takes courage to be a business owner. It really does. Whether you always planned to be a business owner or whether you fell into it by circumstance, there is no doubt it takes courage to…

Why feedback doesn't work

The power of feedforward for performance reviews Running and growing your own business successfully depends a lot on your ability to keep yourself motivated and focused on the end goal. When things don’t go according to plan, it’s your resilience that keeps you going. Your…

In one of my previous articles, I looked at five alternatives to business coaching. This time, I thought I would answer some of the questions often asked about business coaching in particular. If you have any more at the end of it, just get in…

do you know your leadership style

Every leader is different, so are your employees   Of the seven keys to building high performance teams, the first key is leadership. For a very good reason. You can’t expect your team to transform your business by themselves, after all, can you? Your team…

tricks to cut the time you spend marketing

The challenge is time, I get it. You know you should be spending more time on your marketing activities but can’t seem to free up the hours to do so. But if you want to keep those leads coming in then you need to take…

even the best leaders have blind spots

Even the best leaders have blind spots. No matter how successful or confident a leader may be, there are likely to be areas for development and behaviours that limit their career progress or ability to truly excel. These blind spots can manifest in any area…

employee engagement its the little things that count

It’s the little things that count How often do you hear your employees say, “Thank God it’s Monday!” Not too often, I bet. Which is a pity, because let’s face it, we spend most of our lives at work. So why not make it a…

Training people

If you don’t take care of your customers, your competitor will! Relying on too few customers can leave you vulnerable – losing just one could mean a cash flow crisis. But by consistently making an effort to bring in new business, you’ll reduce your risk…

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