What is holding you back from achieving your goals?

Time? Experience? Skills?

On the face of it, all of these may be true but what if I told you these hurdles only exist because of your self-limiting beliefs.

What are self-limiting beliefs? Well, these are any thoughts or perceptions you may have about yourself that are stopping you back from progressing the way you dream of. Or as we like to say, it’s all just head trash.

The beliefs can be negative in nature – I can’t, I’ve tried, it won’t work.

Strangely, they can also sometimes appear positive – I am happy where I am, I am comfortable with what I have.

However you frame them, if they are holding you back, they are limiting you.

How can we manage self-limiting beliefs better? One way is to watch our language. We all need to practise speaking kindly with our inner self, learn to encourage it rather than judge it.

Now, you may not even know you have self-limiting beliefs. Often it takes a catalyst to uncover these assumptions of yourself. This could be a colleague, a family member or even a coach, someone who sees you a bit more objectively and can point out when you are sabotaging your own advancement.

So, my coaching question for today is: what beliefs do you hold to be true that are stopping you from achieving your goals?

These self-limiting beliefs can also be holding you back from recognising your value. Read more in Managing the Imposter in the Room and you’re welcome to give me a call to chat about how these may be impacting your business, just book some time for Coffee with Martin.