Key questions to reflect on at year-end 

It’s safe to say the last few years have passed by in a bit of a blur, and while we entered 2022 hoping things would get back to ‘normal’, many of us may have felt it has been a particularly trying year. 

No wonder! We started the year still tackling the last of the COVID restrictions and have since then seen a turbulent year economically and politically. It’s tempting to simply say ‘enough now’ and bury our heads in the sand until the new year.

Here’s the thing though, there IS a NEW year coming. One where we can start over, provided we let go of what may be holding us back. For me, an essential part of preparing for the New Year is to review the year past…to release it…and to learn from it. 

I say this because once you understand who and where you are now, you will start to identify what changes you need to make so you can become who you want to be and get to where you want to be. 

This is why I recommend that any journey of growth always starts with a bit of self-analysis and reflection. 

And what better time to reflect than at the end of the year? 

To help stimulate your thinking for this process, I thought I’d put together my key questions to ask yourself at year-end. 

If you find yourself with some spare time this holiday season, start working through these questions. Write out your thoughts and ideas. You might even consider writing a letter (or, in this digital age, an email) to yourself that you can return to throughout 2023 and even beyond. This will help you track your progress and stay inspired during your growth journey.  

Reflect upon what you did, how you felt, what you liked, what you didn’t and what you learned. Look at yourself and your experiences with as much objectivity as you can, difficult as it may be.  

So, here are my Key Questions to ask at Year End

  1. What have I learnt? (skills, knowledge, awareness gained, etc.) 
  2. What have I accomplished? What are my wins? 
  3. What would I have done differently, and why? 
  4. What did I complete or release? What didn’t I finish? 
  5. What were the most significant events of the year? 
  6. What did I do right? 
  7. What do I feel particularly good about? 
  8. What was my greatest contribution? 
  9. What did I do that was fun? 
  10. What did I do that I didn’t really enjoy? 
  11. What were some of the challenges I faced? 
  12. How am I different this year from last? 
  13. What am I truly grateful for? This symbolic gesture will help you move on from the old and become more receptive to new opportunities. 

Once you’ve looked back over what was, now it’s time to look forward and think about what you do want. What experiences do you want to enjoy? What knowledge do you need to become the person you want to be? What lifestyle do you aspire to and what is important for you in terms of relationships?

Think broadly and dream big. Let go of what was and create space for new things, things you want to be part of your reality. 

Why not end this year on a high note by getting ready to make the New Year a great one? All it will take is a little reflection. 

Martin Baillie is a Business Coach and Growth Specialist at ActionCOACH Bury St Edmunds, committed to working with business owners to create sustainable, viable, profitable entities within the local community.

We find that most business owners are experts in their industry but not in business. Our ActionCOACH business re-education coaching programmes help business owners to understand all aspects of business so they can build a profitable, sustainable business that works without them.

Contact Martin Baillie, ActionCOACH Bury St Edmunds now on Tel: 01284 334099. You can also follow him on LinkedIn , Instagram and Facebook