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Tag Archives: small business

In the drivers seat of your business

Are you driving your business or is it driving you? You pretty much know everything there is to know about what your business does, right? After all, you’re a great architect, a fantastic hairdresser, a top notch printer.  But can you honestly say you know…

Finding your focus

We are well into the year already and hopefully you have found and kept your focus on the things that will make the most positive impact in your business over the next few months. If not though, here’s a few tips that may help.  Now,…

guy coaching people who are rowing

Bill Gates once said, everyone needs a coach. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast or a bridge player. Now, as a business coach I obviously agree with this sentiment. However, I also know that business coaching isn’t for…

Avoiding the perfect storm

Understanding the dynamics in your team. We recently recruited a new member to the team which is fantastic. During the recruitment process we obviously looked at skills, would this person have the competencies to perform the role?  But more importantly, we looked for a culture…

How to maintain clarity of vision and focus

2023 has officially kicked off with many business owners, I am sure, setting some pretty incredible New Year resolutions for themselves and big, scary, audacious goals for their businesses too.  But as the year progresses, it often becomes harder and harder to remain focused on…

what does your business look like when all grown up

Most small businesses start almost by accident or out of necessity. They then tend to grow organically, with bits and pieces being added to the pot as the business evolves. Rarely is any business designed from the beginning, but if you want to build a…

Is coaching a family affair

Keeping it in the family Many small businesses are family owned and run. Which can be both a blessing and a curse.  A blessing because you have a close knit support structure around you and you and your partner are working towards a common goal.…

Why you need personal goals for business succes

Does your business support your dreams? Most small businesses start almost by accident or out of necessity. They then tend to grow organically, with bits and pieces being added to the pot as the business evolves. Rarely is any business designed from the beginning, but…

Benefits marketing

Make your marketing more compelling through benefits selling. Let’s say I simply marketed myself as a business coach with experience in leadership roles.   I can almost hear you thinking, so what? You’re probably also thinking, what does that mean for me? What benefit is there…

Business fundamentals and basics

Let’s get back to basics! Clients are often surprised, and sometimes a bit resistant when I suggest this during our coaching sessions. But like much in life when you think you’ve hit a brick wall, it’s worth going back to the beginning and having a…

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