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Tag Archives: opportunity

Leveraging Technology to Transform Your Small Business Marketing Efforts

Leveraging Technology to Transform Your Small Business Marketing Efforts In today’s digital age, integrating technology into your small business operations is no longer an option but a necessity. By leveraging technology, you can revolutionise your marketing efforts, streamline processes, and propel your business towards growth…

demystifying the numbers in your business

Making sense of the numbers in your business Understanding the numbers in your business can be challenging for most business owners (unless they are accountants, of course!). But you don’t have be overwhelmed by it all, all you need is to understand a few of…

Get your customers to do the selling for you

Creating Raving Fans Raving fans are customers who are so over the moon with your business and the service you provide that they will not only tell all their friends and colleagues about you but, actually bring them to you and help you make sales…

The challenge is customers

Top 3 ways to find customers Relying on too few customers can leave you vulnerable – losing just one could mean a cash flow crisis. But by consistently making an effort to bring in new business, you’ll reduce your risk of failure and grow your…

Art of follow up in networking

Networking is such a valuable business development strategy. Each time you connect with someone, whether online or at an in-person event, you create the opportunity to lay the foundation for a business relationship. But one conversation won’t be enough to keep that relationship going –…

The formula for success to help you achieve your dreams

Everyone dreams of success, so why do so few realise it? Everyone dreams of success. What that success looks like will differ from person to person and from business to business. But I can guarantee you, everyone dreams of success.  Sadly though, a large percentage…

Change is inevitable not insurmountable

Have you ever been through change? Of course, you have. How did you feel about it? Can you remember? Did you even understand you were going through change at the time? You may be asking why I am musing about change, as a business coach?…

marketing small business

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!”- Sir Walter Scott, 1808 In this famous line from Scott’s epic poem, Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field, Scott is alluding to how, when we speak dishonestly or try to obfuscate a…

Weigh the Opportunity Costs

Are you missing out on the opportunity to work ON your business? The challenge many small business owners face today is that they are so busy working in the day to day operations of their business that they fail to look up and see the…

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