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Tag Archives: goals

The formula for success to help you achieve your dreams

Everyone dreams of success, so why do so few realise it? Everyone dreams of success. What that success looks like will differ from person to person and from business to business. But I can guarantee you, everyone dreams of success.  Sadly though, a large percentage…

Change is inevitable not insurmountable

Have you ever been through change? Of course, you have. How did you feel about it? Can you remember? Did you even understand you were going through change at the time? You may be asking why I am musing about change, as a business coach?…

goal setting for success

If you can dream it, you can plan it! 2021 is quickly coming to a close. Whether it is because the pandemic and lockdowns seemed to have warped the passage of time or just because of the rapid pace of business as we begin to…

Positivity Thrive Mindset

Positivity³ – how to feed the thrive mindset We’ve all heard the term: the power of positive thinking. But have you heard of Positivity to the Power of Three, or as we like to call it, Positivity³? Well, Positivity³ is the term we’ve coined in…

Practical Business education actionclub

Will your business still be around in 5 years? And how do you make sure it is?  According to the Small Business Administration (SBA)* 20% of small businesses fail in the first year, 50% after five years, and only 33% make it to 10 years…

Real people, real results - back away from your business

Quick question: do you know the value of your business?  Most business owners I speak to can readily tell me: How many customers they have What their revenue is How much profit they make But not too many can give me a confident answer when…

Time for a business check up

Is there a Doctor in the house? It is thought that the expression, ‘Is there a Doctor in the house?’  originates from the theatre when the stage manager would request a doctor if a member of the audience fell ill during the performance. Sadly, today…

Importance of a business plan, chess piece toppled on board

Did you know……only 2% of business owners have a plan. And even less stick to it! However, the value of having a business plan is undeniable. Studies show that planning improves business performance and helps a business grow 30% faster than those that don’t.  We…

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