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Tag Archives: focus

demystifying the numbers in your business

Making sense of the numbers in your business Understanding the numbers in your business can be challenging for most business owners (unless they are accountants, of course!). But you don’t have be overwhelmed by it all, all you need is to understand a few of…

Coaching didn't work for me

When it comes to coaching, finding the right coach is like finding the perfect partner. Let’s imagine you’re a business owner, and you’ve had a less than stellar experience with a coach in the past. What went wrong? Maybe you didn’t put the time in,…

Practice effective delegation for better work life balance

Discover Sarah’s Transformation: From Overworked Business Owner to Success Story Are you a passionate small business owner like Sarah? Are you burning the midnight oil, trying to do it all alone? It’s time to learn from Sarah’s experience and optimise your business for success. Sarah’s…

Can i afford business coaching

How much does business coaching cost, and can I afford it? Are you a business owner looking to take your enterprise to new heights? If so, you may have considered business coaching but are unsure about the costs, benefits, and what it entails. And we…

work life balance

Achieving a Harmonious Work-Life Balance in a Fast-Paced World Are you exhausted from constantly working, even during your personal time? Take charge of your work-life balance and explore effective strategies for setting clear boundaries. In this video, we’ll guide you towards a healthier and more…

procrastination beating tactics

Take Control of Your Time and Boost Productivity Procrastination can be a silent killer for entrepreneurs, hindering growth and success. Let’s face it, procrastination is a common challenge that plagues all of us. The thing is, if you lack energy and motivation, your business growth…

Work life balance is not a luxury its a necessity

Don’t underestimate the importance of a healthy work life balance Do you feel guilty whenever you take time off because you fear it will negatively impact your business? Well, you’re not unique in this. I was chatting just the other day with a local business…

Review what our clients say

How one business owner achieved business freedom and a 38% increase in turnover Do you want to know how a business owner went from struggling to take the next step to achieve business freedom to seeing a 38% increase in turnover in just one year?…

Five factors that make your business appealing to outsiders

Why Every Small Business Should Focus on Creating Value As a small business owner, your ultimate goal is to create a profitable and sustainable business that will provide long-term financial security for you and your employees. While you may not be thinking about selling your…

Time management game changer

You probably haven’t heard of a Default Diary. Well, let me tell you, you are missing out on one of the biggest game changers when it comes to effective time mastery.  We all want to achieve more with the hours we have, and the default…

Do you know a business owner we can help?

I’m here to tell you the three things wealthy business owners do differently.  Successful entrepreneurs can sometimes appear larger than life to us. Comparatively, they’ve achieved so much, made so much money, built so many businesses, inspired so many people.  There must be something really…

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