You probably haven’t heard of a Default Diary. Well, let me tell you, you are missing out on one of the biggest game changers when it comes to effective time mastery. 

We all want to achieve more with the hours we have, and the default diary is a concept that our clients and their teams all tell us has delivered just that for them.

So, what is a default diary and how can you make it work for you?

A default diary is all about creating an outline of your typical week and allocating short, fixed times that you will spend on specific important activities by default.

It sets the structure for your day and prioritises those things that will make the most impact in your business, those activities that will make you money and grow business. 

For example, you might allocate;

  • An hour a week to update your Key Performance Indicators 
  • 15 minutes daily to review your quarterly goals to keep you on track
  • Two hours a week to make follow-up calls
  • An hour a month to proactively call key customers because they’ll appreciate a quick check-in

With the default diary, it’s all about shifting your focus to the Important, rather than the Urgent.

And look, don’t worry if something gets in the way one week it’s not a big problem, as long as most of the time you follow the default because the more you do, the more you will get done.  

Is time really a challenge for you? Take our quick 3 minute Next Level Assessment Quiz to find out, and then book your complimentary coaching session to chat about the results and how to take things forward in your business.