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Tag Archives: sustainable

Work life balance is not a luxury its a necessity

Don’t underestimate the importance of a healthy work life balance Do you feel guilty whenever you take time off because you fear it will negatively impact your business? Well, you’re not unique in this. I was chatting just the other day with a local business…

Five factors that make your business appealing to outsiders

Why Every Small Business Should Focus on Creating Value As a small business owner, your ultimate goal is to create a profitable and sustainable business that will provide long-term financial security for you and your employees. While you may not be thinking about selling your…

why implement systems

I know some business owners who are driven mad just by the very thought of processes.  Here’s how some of them think: It’ll stifle the way I do business, I prefer to go with the flow. Why put all that time into implementing systems when…

what does your business look like when all grown up

Most small businesses start almost by accident or out of necessity. They then tend to grow organically, with bits and pieces being added to the pot as the business evolves. Rarely is any business designed from the beginning, but if you want to build a…

Is coaching a family affair

Keeping it in the family Many small businesses are family owned and run. Which can be both a blessing and a curse.  A blessing because you have a close knit support structure around you and you and your partner are working towards a common goal.…

Business fundamentals and basics

Let’s get back to basics! Clients are often surprised, and sometimes a bit resistant when I suggest this during our coaching sessions. But like much in life when you think you’ve hit a brick wall, it’s worth going back to the beginning and having a…

How to manage your imposter syndrome

Today, we’re going to be talking about how managing the imposter in the room can help you on the road to a winning mindset. Because business is all about getting your mindset in the right place. It’s about understanding what goes on in your mind.…

Close the cash gap

Top strategies for a robust cash flow In our previous blog, Instantly Improve your Cash Flow despite Record Inflation, we discussed cash flow budgeting and how owners of small and medium-sized businesses could rapidly improve their cash flow just by making a few simple changes in…

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