small business marketing Archives - ActionCOACH - Bury St Edmunds

Tag Archives: small business marketing

cost effective ways to market your small business

In the world of advertising, there are cost-effective tactics that businesses can use to reach their target audience and generate valuable leads. Let’s explore some of the tactics that won’t break the bank. You can leverage social media platforms. Social media advertising is a cost-effective…

Watch your language. Communicate with effective concise messaging

When it comes to crafting effective messaging, it’s all about telling a compelling brand story and communicating key messages clearly to your target audience. Let’s dive into three strategies that will make your messaging stand out. One: Develop a compelling brand story. This story incorporates…

Understand your target market

In the fast-paced world of marketing, understanding your target market is crucial for success. Today, we’ll look at four steps to truly understanding your audience, that can help you develop an effective marketing strategy. Step one: Identify your ideal customer. Who are they? What makes…

Art of follow up in networking

Networking is such a valuable business development strategy. Each time you connect with someone, whether online or at an in-person event, you create the opportunity to lay the foundation for a business relationship. But one conversation won’t be enough to keep that relationship going –…

tricks to cut the time you spend marketing

The challenge is time, I get it. You know you should be spending more time on your marketing activities but can’t seem to free up the hours to do so. But if you want to keep those leads coming in then you need to take…

Training people

If you don’t take care of your customers, your competitor will! Relying on too few customers can leave you vulnerable – losing just one could mean a cash flow crisis. But by consistently making an effort to bring in new business, you’ll reduce your risk…

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