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Tag Archives: Planning

crossing the business growth plateau

Almost 50% of small businesses close within 5 years. That’s quite a statistic. What often happens is the business kicks off full of energy. The owner is kept busy in the first few years after launching the business with driving sales and operations. There usually…

what does your business look like when all grown up

Most small businesses start almost by accident or out of necessity. They then tend to grow organically, with bits and pieces being added to the pot as the business evolves. Rarely is any business designed from the beginning, but if you want to build a…

why you should have a business plan

Only 2% of business owners have a plan. I am sure you’ve heard this before, but it’s worth repeating, only 2% of business owners have a plan. Which I find strange given the value of having a business plan is undeniable. Studies show that planning…

Standing in a puddle to see reflection

Key questions to reflect on at year-end  It’s safe to say the last few years have passed by in a bit of a blur, and while we entered 2022 hoping things would get back to ‘normal’, many of us may have felt it has been…

test and measure improvement

What you measure you manage There’s no doubt about it, the economic climate is putting everyone under a lot of pressure. Which is why it’s more important than ever where you invest your money and energy in your business, and that you see some sort…

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