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Tag Archives: management

Budget for Success

Are you looking to keep your finances on track and ensure the success of your business? Then you need to know about budgeting. Budgeting is simply a plan for how you want to allocate your money. It’s a roadmap for your business finances, and it’s…

Five factors that make your business appealing to outsiders

Why Every Small Business Should Focus on Creating Value As a small business owner, your ultimate goal is to create a profitable and sustainable business that will provide long-term financial security for you and your employees. While you may not be thinking about selling your…

In the drivers seat of your business

Are you driving your business or is it driving you? You pretty much know everything there is to know about what your business does, right? After all, you’re a great architect, a fantastic hairdresser, a top notch printer.  But can you honestly say you know…

How to maintain clarity of vision and focus

2023 has officially kicked off with many business owners, I am sure, setting some pretty incredible New Year resolutions for themselves and big, scary, audacious goals for their businesses too.  But as the year progresses, it often becomes harder and harder to remain focused on…

Is coaching a family affair

Keeping it in the family Many small businesses are family owned and run. Which can be both a blessing and a curse.  A blessing because you have a close knit support structure around you and you and your partner are working towards a common goal.…

Business fundamentals and basics

Let’s get back to basics! Clients are often surprised, and sometimes a bit resistant when I suggest this during our coaching sessions. But like much in life when you think you’ve hit a brick wall, it’s worth going back to the beginning and having a…

Why feedback doesn't work

The power of feedforward for performance reviews Running and growing your own business successfully depends a lot on your ability to keep yourself motivated and focused on the end goal. When things don’t go according to plan, it’s your resilience that keeps you going. Your…

do you know your leadership style

Every leader is different, so are your employees   Of the seven keys to building high performance teams, the first key is leadership. For a very good reason. You can’t expect your team to transform your business by themselves, after all, can you? Your team…

tricks to cut the time you spend marketing

The challenge is time, I get it. You know you should be spending more time on your marketing activities but can’t seem to free up the hours to do so. But if you want to keep those leads coming in then you need to take…

directors chair image

I may be direct but….. You know, recently one of my clients commented that I was very direct, but they saw this as a real positive thing, a unique selling point of sorts. Well, I don’t know if I’d go that far, but I do…

building strong teams

Together, strong teams deliver better From the earliest days of civilisation, the hunters and gatherers demonstrated effectively how working in groups brought greater abundance into their lives. Now, in the business sense, it is a fact that organisations of all sizes experience greater tangible payoffs…

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