“Only through effective management can you genuinely get results”

Brad Sugars, Founder & CEO of ActionCOACH


Management success is deeply rooted in creating and maintaining systems that effectively track productivity and quality in your business. During my time as a business growth and development specialist, I’ve coached managers to overcome common challenges by implementing proven management systems. Below, I delve deeper into a few of these challenges and how systematic approaches can overcome them.


Pointless Meetings – Turning unproductive meetings into valuable time


The Problem:

Many businesses suffer from meetings that consume time without yielding tangible results. Unclear agendas, lack of focus and overrun meetings often turn these sessions into productivity drains.


The Solution:

I work with my clients to develop competent and productive teams. Simply put, managers manage processes – we structure weekly and 1-2-1 meetings to create clear communication and training plans among the team. We use tried-and-tested meeting processes to ensure sessions are kept to the point, and everyone is on the same page to work together to achieve goals on time. The approach saves time, creates clarity among teams, and boosts productivity for the business.


Missed Goals – Achieving goals that once seemed out of reach


The Problem:

Setting goals is easy, but achieving them is often challenging. Many managers and teams struggle with setting realistic goals, tracking progress and maintaining momentum to reach them.


The Solution:

I use a holistic approach with my clients to not only set goals, but to implement measures and mindset along the way to achieving them. We work on activities that must be done, the result of these activities, and attitude culture. We ensure goals are ambitious but (importantly) not beyond current capacity of the business. We ensure goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based. These goal-setting systems ensure that goals are no longer out of reach.


Disconnected Teams & Poor Communication – Building collaboration within teams to get things done


The Problem:

Teams that work in silos often face communication breakdowns, which leads to inefficiency, wasted time and delays to reaching project milestones.


The Solution:

I teach my clients the art of delegation, whilst considering different communication styles and preferences among their team. We use tools to ensure managers quickly build rapports with their team members, whilst ensuring tasks are agreed and understood. Having a connected team not only boosts morale and productivity, it also reduces mistakes and frustrations. Overall, these systems create a team that runs like a well-oiled machine, and allows managers to take a step back to focus on their own tasks. Say goodbye to micro-management!


Lack of Leadership – Transforming managers into leaders who can inspire their teams



A simple but vital one – managers without leadership skills struggle to inspire, motivate and retain their teams.


The Solution:

I coach my clients to transition from “Manager” to “Leader” to create passionate and focused teams. Leaders lead people – the quality of people you have will depend on the quality of your leadership. We work on shifting mindset to long-term strategic focus, becoming a decision maker and looking at the big picture. Effective leadership is essential for providing direction, vision, motivation, and inspiration, which are crucial for building a strong team and successful business.



12-Week Management Training

If you’re interested in developing your management skills, increasing your confidence and implementing a proven management system to accelerate your business – I want to help.

Our 12-Week Management Training addresses all the above and more. Starting online Monday 16th September at 4pm – click here to get in touch and secure your place.


What to expect:

Online video learning (presented by ActionCOACH Founder & CEO Brad Sugars), facilitated coaching sessions (with me – award-winning Business Coach Martin Baillie), accountability and Key Performance Indicator tracking to ensure you actively apply your knowledge and reach your goals, along with networking and sharing insights with like-minded individuals.

Become an incredible manager and accelerate your business for just £100 + VAT per week, which can be paid in full or in instalments over 3-months. It’s a no-brainer.

We have limited spaces on this course as we like to offer a personal experience, so please get in touch if you are looking to enrol or want to find out more.

Prepare for a career-changing experience that will provide you everything you need to become a fantastic manager.


To your success,

Martin Baillie