How much does business coaching cost, and can I afford it?

Are you a business owner looking to take your enterprise to new heights? If so, you may have considered business coaching but are unsure about the costs, benefits, and what it entails.

And we understand. There are so many options out there (different programmes, different coaches, different costs) that it can be hard to know what is the best option for you and your business.

One important point though, is that when considering if you can afford a business coaching programme, it’s crucial to shift your perspective from cost to investment. By investing in your business’s long-term success, you unlock opportunities for growth, increased profitability, and improved strategies.

So, can you afford business coaching?

When considering what you can afford to spend on business coaching, it’s worthwhile evaluating your budget and the potential return on investment. Here are some factors to take into account:

  • Business Goals and Growth Potential: Assess the current state of your business and identify your goals for growth. Consider how business coaching can help you achieve those goals and the impact it can have on your revenue and profitability.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Think about the potential benefits you’ll gain from coaching, such as improved decision-making, increased productivity, and enhanced leadership skills. Weigh these benefits against the cost of coaching to determine if the investment aligns with the value it can bring to your business.
  • Long-Term vs. Short-Term Perspective: Business coaching is not a quick fix; it’s a long-term investment in your business’s success. Consider the long-term benefits that can come from working with a coach, such as sustainable growth, improved processes, and a solid foundation for future success.
  • Prioritisation and Resource Allocation: Review your current expenses and determine if there are areas where you can reallocate resources to prioritise business coaching. It may involve cutting back on non-essential expenses, or redirecting funds from other areas that are not producing desired results.
  • Consider Different Coaching Options: Business coaching comes in various price ranges and formats. Explore different coaching options and packages to find one that fits your budget while still providing the necessary level of expertise and support.
  • Value adds – You may also want to consider what extras may be included in (or even excluded from) the coaching packages you are researching. Do they offer access to additional learning resources, books, additional webinars or seminars, industry events, networking or any other value-adding features?

Remember, business coaching is an investment in your business and personal growth. While it may require allocating funds from your budget, it’s important to view it as a strategic investment that can yield substantial returns in the form of increased revenue, improved productivity, and long-term success.

By carefully considering what you can afford to spend on coaching and weighing it against the potential benefits and ROI, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals and financial situation.

Generally, how much does coaching cost?

This can vary greatly depending on the coach and the intensity of the programme, but you are looking at anything from around £100 to over £5 000 per month.

At ActionCOACH Bury St Edmunds, our ‘Starter’ (so to speak) group coaching programme begins at £95 per month and is aimed at entrepreneurial business owners who want to focus on the fundamentals of sales and marketing, while our top-end 1-1 coaching programmes offer a more bespoke approach.

You’ll probably find other coaches similarly approach their pricing structure – the more you invest, the more you receive.

How does a coach determine what to charge?

Several factors can influence the fees charged by business coaches.

Firstly, the coach’s experience and expertise play a significant role. Coaches with extensive industry knowledge, a proven track record of success, and specialised skills are likely to command higher fees due to the unique value they bring to the table.

Additionally, the scope and duration of the coaching program can impact the cost. Longer or more comprehensive programs that cover a wide range of areas may come with higher fees.

The level of customisation and individual attention provided by the coach can also influence pricing. Coaches who offer personalised 1-1 sessions or tailored strategies may charge higher rates.

Lastly, market demand and competition within the coaching industry can affect pricing as coaches try to align their fees with industry standards while still offering value for money in a tough economy.

What are some of the benefits you can expect from coaching?

The benefits of business coaching are numerous and impactful. By working with a skilled coach, you gain access to invaluable guidance, support, and expertise. Coaching provides clarity, helps with strategic planning, and sets actionable goals. A business coach also holds you accountable, ensuring you stay on track and overcome obstacles. Additionally, you gain fresh perspectives, objective feedback, and industry insights that can revolutionise your decision-making process. Moreover, business coaching encourages personal growth, enhancing leadership skills, time management, and work-life balance.

For our clients, they have experienced remarkable transformations in their businesses, witnessing tangible results such as increased revenue, improved productivity, and refined business strategies. These outcomes directly translate into higher profitability and a stronger market position. The success stories we’ve witnessed make it clear that the financial returns can far outweigh the initial investment.

What happens if I don’t see results, I will have wasted my money.

If you go with a reputable coach, and do the work required, it’s unlikely you won’t see results of some sort. But it is always worthwhile checking with the coach what sort of guarantees they may offer, if any. For example, we stand behind the effectiveness of our coaching methods and therefore offer a six-month guarantee of results.

Also, ask about any conditions that may tie you in long-term with the coach. If you only have to give a month’s notice, you’ll be able to end the coaching pretty quickly if you aren’t seeing the results you want. However, a 12-month agreement with no exit clause could see you spending money needlessly.

But be realistic too, coaching isn’t a silver bullet. It can take a few months to see some real results and, of course, it requires your full commitment to the process.


Business coaching can be a game-changer for entrepreneurs looking to take their businesses to the next level. By investing in coaching, you gain access to personalised guidance, support, and expertise that can lead to significant improvements in your business and personal growth. Explore different coaching options, evaluate your specific needs, and take the first step toward unlocking your full potential.

Remember, with the right coach by your side, the sky’s the limit for your business. If you are ready to start your coaching journey, reach outschedule a consultation, or explore more of our resources to dive deeper into the world of business coaching.

Martin Baillie is a Business Coach and Growth Specialist at ActionCOACH Bury St Edmunds, committed to working with business owners to create sustainable, viable, profitable entities within the local community, and creating 1000 new jobs in the East Anglian region through that growth.

If you are looking to increase the profit in your business while freeing up time, and having a better work / life balance, there is no better time to start than now. Our business growth methodology is tried and tested, and we guarantee your results.

Contact Martin Baillie, ActionCOACH Bury St Edmunds now on Tel: 01284 334099. You can also follow him on LinkedIn , Instagram and Facebook