Take Control of Your Time and Boost Productivity

Procrastination can be a silent killer for entrepreneurs, hindering growth and success.

Let’s face it, procrastination is a common challenge that plagues all of us. The thing is, if you lack energy and motivation, your business growth will also suffer – your productivity will be low and chances are, you’ll miss opportunities because you lack focus.

Recognising when you are putting something off can help you push through the procrastination barrier, and I guarantee that each time you do, you will feel a hit of extra motivation to keep going. Which can only deliver better results for your business, right?

So, what are the causes and consequences of procrastination, and how can you overcome it?

The Procrastination Puzzle: Causes and Consequences

The causes of procrastination can be multifaceted and tend to differ from person to person. Some common factors that contribute to procrastination include:

  • poor time management skills
  • fear of failure or even success
  • perfectionism
  • lack of motivation or interest in the task
  • feeling overwhelmed or being easily distracted

Understanding what triggers your procrastination habit will be crucial to helping you address it effectively.

Consequence-wise, procrastination often leads to increased stress levels, decreased productivity, missed deadlines, compromised quality of work, and a negative impact on overall well-being. It can create a cycle of guilt and self-blame, further reinforcing the habit of delaying tasks.

If left to its own devices, chronic procrastination can damage your personal and professional growth. You may find your career advancement slows down, or you lose your interest in your business. It may also strain relationships with others who depend on you to complete tasks. If you consistently deliver late, eventually your clients will start looking elsewhere. In addition, without a focused, encouraging leader, your staff may become as demotivated as you, dragging your business further behind.

Strategies to Defeat Procrastination

Okay, now we know the causes and consequences of procrastination, how do we beat it?

  • Divide and Conquer

Sounds simple but I’ve witnessed entrepreneurs transform overwhelming projects by breaking them down into bite-sized chunks. Big tasks or projects can sometimes seem overwhelming when viewed as a whole, but breaking them down into smaller, more manageable parts can help out things in perspective and boost motivation. Start by identifying the key steps needed to complete a project and create actionable subtasks. By focusing on one step at a time, you’ll make progress and build momentum.

  • The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a proven method to enhance productivity and overcome procrastination. It involves working in focused bursts of 25 minutes, known as Pomodoros, followed by short breaks. Set a timer on your phone (or just an old-fashioned kitchen timer, if you still have one), dive into your task, and commit to staying focused for the designated time. After each Pomodoro, reward yourself with a brief break. Many business owners have attested how the Pomodoro Technique has helped them regain control of their time and accomplish more.

  • Deadlines and Accountability

Setting realistic deadlines is crucial to combat procrastination. Identify the timeframes in which tasks need to be completed and establish deadlines accordingly. Then hold yourself accountable for meeting these deadlines. Share your goals with a trusted friend or colleague (or coach) who can provide support and check in on your progress.

I like to think of accountability as the secret ingredient for overcoming procrastination and driving results.

  • Create an environment for productivity 

Start by organising your workspace in a way that supports your workflow. Remove any unnecessary clutter and ensure that essential tools and materials are close at hand. Consider comfort and ergonomics and add a bit of yourself to the space. Personalising your environment with elements that inspire and motivate you, like plants, artwork, or meaningful quotes can help you focus and give a greater sense of control over your work.

  • Tame distractions

Implement techniques like turning off notifications and designating specific times for email and social media. Those constant pings and alerts can be major distractions, pulling you away from important tasks. By silencing notifications, you regain the power to choose when and how you engage with emails, messages, and social media. As for emails, rather than continuously toggling between tasks and constantly refreshing your inbox, set aside dedicated blocks of time throughout the day to deal with emails. This way, you can focus on your work without interruptions, knowing you have designated time later to address any new messages or updates.

  • Be mindful  

By incorporating mindfulness practices and positive affirmations into your daily routine, you can enhance your concentration, motivation, and overall productivity. These practices serve as powerful tools to quiet the mind, reduce distractions, and nurture a positive mindset, all good habits that will bring you closer to achieving your goals.

  • Seek support and mentorship

Last but certainly not least, seeking support and mentorship is crucial in overcoming procrastination and boosting productivity. Joining business networks or seeking out an accountability partner can provide you with valuable guidance, encouragement, and support on your journey. Remember, seeking support and mentorship does not imply weakness or inadequacy. It signifies your commitment to personal and professional growth.


Procrastination doesn’t have to dictate your productivity or limit your success as a business owner. By understanding its causes and consequences and implementing effective strategies you can take control of your time and boost your productivity.

Remember, overcoming procrastination is a journey that requires practice and perseverance, however if you start by implementing these strategies consistently, you’ll unlock your full potential and achieve success in your business.


Martin Baillie is a Business Coach and Growth Specialist at ActionCOACH Bury St Edmunds, committed to working with business owners to create sustainable, viable, profitable entities within the local community, and creating 1000 new jobs in the East Anglian region through that growth.

If you are looking to increase the profit in your business while freeing up time, and having a better work / life balance, there is no better time to start than now. Our business growth methodology is tried and tested, and we guarantee your results.

Contact Martin Baillie, ActionCOACH Bury St Edmunds now on Tel: 01284 334099. You can also follow him on LinkedIn , Instagram and Facebook