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Tag Archives: business value

Value of protecting Intellectual property

Intellectual Property Protection Value building strategy #4! Intellectual property protection is an asset that creates significant value in a business. Safeguarding patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets offers several advantages that contribute to a company’s growth and competitiveness. Market Differentiation: With patents, trademarks, or copyrights…

the value of strong branding and marketing

Branding and Marketing Value building strategy #3! Having a strong branding and marketing strategy is instrumental in creating value in a business. It goes beyond just advertising products or services and encompasses the establishment of a compelling brand identity that resonates with customers. Brand Recognition…

value of a unique value proposition

It does make all the difference! The more value in your business, the more valuable it is for you AND outsiders. One strategy for value creation is to identity your unique value proposition (UVP). Having one creates significant value in a business by attracting and…

10 tips for creating value in your business

Unlocking Business Potential As a small business owner, you know that your company is more than just a venture; it’s a labour of love, dedication, and countless hours of hard work. Whether you’re considering a future sale or seeking to attract investors to fuel expansion,…

Five factors that make your business appealing to outsiders

Why Every Small Business Should Focus on Creating Value As a small business owner, your ultimate goal is to create a profitable and sustainable business that will provide long-term financial security for you and your employees. While you may not be thinking about selling your…

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