I find these days there tends to be a lot of focus on the benefits of individual attention, think of all those offers of tailored fitness, eating, learning or even business coaching programmes with only YOU in mind. 

Sounds great, right? 

But here’s the thing, sometimes being part of a group programme can offer so much more. 


It’s cost-effective: Group coaching is often more cost-effective than individual coaching, as the cost is shared among the members of the group. 

There is increased accountability. When members of a group are participating in something together, they are more likely to hold each other accountable for making progress and achieving their goals.

There is shared learning: Group business coaching allows team members to learn from each other and benefit from diverse perspectives.

The engagement levels are incredibly motivating in group coaching. This creates quite a buzz and fosters a sense of teamwork and collaboration, leading to increased engagement among team members.

Communication becomes central to success as team members improve their communication skills and learn to work more effectively as a team, skills that in turn make you a better leader. 

And despite it being a group programme, the support can still be customised. Certainly, a skilled business coach can tailor the coaching to the specific needs of the business owners in the group and address any challenges they may be facing. Often, a challenge shared is a challenge solved. 

So, as with much in life, sometimes with coaching we do benefit more when it’s not ALL about us.

If you would like to explore business coaching further why not have a look at these FAQs or our coaching programmes and then get in touch.