I may be direct but…..

You know, recently one of my clients commented that I was very direct, but they saw this as a real positive thing, a unique selling point of sorts.

Well, I don’t know if I’d go that far, but I do know that honesty is a crucial part of my coaching approach.

It’s hard as an entrepreneur and business owner to keep yourself on track for your goals, particularly when you don’t have someone holding you accountable for your actions.

It’s also very easy to fall into the trap of thinking only you know what’s best. It’s your business, after all. You are the expert in your trade.

And I agree with you on both accounts, but this kind of thinking can stifle your business.

It can stop you from exploring your ideas. It can make you believe in that one yes-man in your organisation who funnily enough, always agrees with all your plans each and every time, even if they aren’t in the best interest of your business or you personally.

To really push ourselves to succeed, we need someone who will call us out when needed. Encourage us to think differently and to hold us accountable. Someone direct and honest, I guess. So yes, I am direct with my clients, but I don’t direct them. It’s their business after all.

Are you ready for a direct approach to taking your business to the next level? Why not have a look at one of our coaching programmes or take our quick 3 minute Next Level Assessment Quiz and find out– Level Up Your Business