Never have enough marketing budget?

Marketing takes money. So it’s important to make sure you max your marketing budget. Which for many small business owners just never seems enough.

Here are some hints for making the most of your marketing budget:

● Test and measure daily to identity what is working and what is not working.

● Stop investing in what isn’t working and invest more in what is. There’s no sense wasting money on activities that don’t deliver returns and won’t grow your business.

● Consider ramping up relatively low-cost activities like email campaigns and see how you can leverage these for new product releases or special offers to attract new customers or sell more to those you have.

● Don’t be afraid to be different from the rest. To help you stand out from the crowd, be adventurous and try new ideas out but be sure to continue to test and measure

● Identify and fix the critical things first, those activities that will have the most impact on your business and support it to make more money.

Investing in marketing does make sense, but only if you test and measure to guarantee results that will increase leads and sales.

For more small business marketing tips download our eBook Small Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners  or check out our previous blog Eight Tips to Boost your LinkedIn Lead Generation

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